239th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington
Saturday April 19 - Monday April 21, 2014
Listing of Events:
Saturday, April 19
- 10:00 am Parker’s Revenge Lexington Minutemen gather on the Lexington Battle Green to reenact the second call to arms from Captain Parker with additional dialogue from Reverend Jonas Clarke. Following this event the Minutemen will march to Parker’s Revenge site on Route 2A near the Minuteman National Park Visitors Site for a wreath laying. Free
- 10 am-4 pm Liberty Ride Tours: A unique 90 minute trolley tour of the historic Battle Road. Tickets required. Board at the Lexington Visitors Center, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington Center www.libertyride.us
- 10 am-4 pm Buckman Tavern Tours 1 Bedford St. Tours every ½ hour. Admission tickets available at the House. www.lexingtonhistory.org
- 10 am-4 pm Hancock Clarke House Tours 36 Hancock St. Tours every hour. Admission tickets available at the House. www.lexingtonhistory.org
- 10 am-4 pm Munroe Tavern Tours 1332 Massachusetts Ave. Tours every hour. Admission tickets available at the House. www.lexingtonhistory.org
- 12:00 Noon U.S. Army "Old Guard" Patriotic Performance on Lexington Battle Green: A historic outdoor performance by the Army's 3d United States Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard). Members of the U.S. Army Drill Team, Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps and Commander-in-Chief's guard from Fort Myer, VA demonstrate the precision and discipline embodied in Army Soldiers for over 239 years. On the Battle Green -- Massachusetts Avenue at Bedford Street. Free. www.army.mil/oldguard
- 4:00 pm Tower Park Battle Reenactment Massachusetts Avenue opposite Pelham Road. Free. www.battleroad.org
- 8:00 pm “In Their Own Words” Pilgrim Church, 55 Coolidge Avenue. Dramatic re-telling of the story of the Battle of Lexington in the words of those who were there. Call 781-862-1703 for tickets. www.lexingtonhistory.org
Sunday, April 20
- 10 am-4pm Liberty Ride Tours A unique 90 minute trolley tour of the historic Battle Road. Tickets required. Board at the Lexington Visitors Center, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington Center www.libertyride.us
- 10 am-4 pm Buckman Tavern Tours 1 Bedford St. Tours every ½ hour. Admission tickets available at the House. www.lexingtonhistory.org
- 10 am-4 pm Hancock Clarke House Tours 36 Hancock St. Tours every hour. Admission tickets available at the House. www.lexingtonhistory.org
- 10 am-4 pm Munroe Tavern Tours 1332 Massachusetts Ave. Tours every hour. Admission tickets available at the House. www.lexingtonhistory.org
- 8:00 pm Celebration of Colonial Music and Dance Lexington Depot, 13 Depot Square. $5 www.lexingtonhistory.org
- 11:30 pm Paul Revere Ride Re-enactment Hancock-Clarke House, 36 Hancock St. Free www.lexingtonhistory.org
Monday, April 21
- 5:30 am “The Alarm,” at the Old Belfry, Belfry Hill Massachusetts Avenue at Clarke Street adjacent to the Battle Green “Come ring the bell that sounded the Alarm that the British were coming” Free
- 5:30 am Reenactment of the Battle of Lexington on the Battle Green (Rain date: 4/26/14). Massachusetts Avenue at Bedford Street. Free (Dress Rehearsal: Sunday 4/6/14, 2 pm) www.lexingtonminutemen.com
- 6 - 10 am Pancake Breakfasts:
• Boy Scout Troop #160 at St. Brigid Church, 2001
Massachusetts Avenue.
• First Baptist Church of Lexington, 1580 Massachusetts
Avenue (across from Police Station)
• Church of Our Redeemer, 6 Meriam Street (Massachusetts Ave
@ Meriam Street)
4. 6:30 am-8 am Buckman Tavern Walk Through Tours 1 Bedford St.
Admission tickets available at the House. www.lexingtonhistory.org
5. 7:30 am Sunrise Youth Parade Starting at Munroe Cemetery
driveway, proceeding west along Massachusetts Avenue through Lexington center onto the Battle
Green. Free
6. 8 am-2 pm Buckman Tavern Tours 1 Bedford St. Tours every ½
hour. Admission tickets available at the House. www.lexingtonhistory.org
7. 8 am-2 pm Hancock Clarke House Tours 36 Hancock St. Tours
every hour. Admission tickets available at the House. www.lexingtonhistory.org
8. 8 am-2 pm Munroe Tavern Tours 1332 Massachusetts Ave. Tours
every hour. Admission tickets available at the House. www.lexingtonhistory.org
9. 8:00 am “First Shot! The day the Revolution Began” Movie
Screening & Question/Answer Session with British and Colonial Re-enactors
Lexington Depot, 13 Depot Square. $3 Adults/$1 Child at the door.
10. 8:15 am Patriots’ Day Ceremonies on the Battle Green
Massachusetts Avenue at Bedford Street. Free
11. 9:00 am “First Shot! The day the Revolution Began” Movie
Screening & Question/Answer Session with British and Colonial Re-enactors
Lexington Depot, 13 Depot Square. $3 Adults/$1 Child at the door.
12. 10:00 am Lexington Lions Club 100th Annual Five-Mile Road
Race Starting/ending on Massachusetts Avenue at the Battle Green. For more
information call (781) 648-1170 or visit: www.lexingtonlions.org
13. 10:00 am “First Shot! The day the Revolution Began” Movie
Screening & Question/Answer Session with British and Colonial Re-enactors
Lexington Depot, 13 Depot Square. $3 Adults/$1 Child at the door. www.lexingtonhistory.org
14. 10:15 am Lexington Minute Men Company/DAR Memorial
Decoration On the Battle Green -- Massachusetts Avenue at Bedford Street. Free.
15. 11:00 am USS Lexington
Memorial Ceremonies Visitors Center, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue, adjacent to the
Buckman Tavern. Free. www.lexingtonlions.org
16. 11:00 am “First Shot! The day the Revolution Began” Movie
Screening & Question/Answer Session with British and Colonial Re-enactors
Lexington Depot, 13 Depot Square. $3 Adults/$1 Child at the door.
17. 12:30 pm Float Judging on Massachusetts Avenue in East
Lexington. Free.
18. 1:00 pm Paul Revere Arrives at the Battle Green on Horseback
Greeted by the Board of Selectmen and
the Lexington Minute Men Company. Free
19. 2:00 pm Patriots’ Day Afternoon Parade.Starting at
Massachusetts Avenue and Maple Street in East Lexington, proceeding west along
Massachusetts Avenue through Lexington Center, left onto Worthen Road ending at
the Town Pool Parking Lot. Free
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