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1. Do you have equity in your current home? Look at your annual mortgage statement or call your lender to find out. Usually, you don’t build much equity in the first few years of a mortgage, as monthly payments are mostly interest, but if you have owned your home for five or more years, you may have built significant equity.
2. Has your income or financial situation improved? If you’re making more money, you may be able to afford higher mortgage payments and cover the costs of moving.
3. Does it make sense to remodel or add on? Sometimes you can create a bigger home by adding a new room or building up. But if your property isn’t large enough, your municipality doesn’t allow it, or you really want to be in a different neighborhood, then moving to a bigger home may be your best option.
4. Are you comfortable moving in the current housing market? If your market is hot, your home may sell quickly and for top dollar, but the home you buy also will be more expensive. If your market is slow, finding a buyer may take longer, but you’ll have more selection and better pricing as you seek your new home. It is a really always a good time to move if it makes sense for you.
5. Are interest rates attractive? A low rate not only helps you buy a larger home, but also makes it easier to find a buyer. There are currently at all time low’s.
Something else to think about. The neighborhood you picked for your first home might not be the same neighborhood you want to settle down in for good. You may have realized that you’d like to be closer to your job or live in a better school district or just simply a different neighborhood. This in itself might be worth moving over.
Whether you are looking to move up now or might just be considering a move in the future. Let me help. We can look at all these factors together and make the right decision for you. Contact me at Theresa@LexingtonHouses.com or call 781-718-5881.
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Now that the holidays are in full swing, we’re embarking on the winter season in Lexington, MA. While a white blanket of snow on this historic town offers added charm, you may be wondering how to still keep your home’s curb appeal inviting with the gray winter skies and bare trees.
Whether you’re trying to sell your Lexington home this holiday season, or are just hosting holiday gatherings with family and friends; the first impression of your home can set the tone for a welcoming experience. Below are seven great ways to boost your Lexington home’s curb appeal this season.
1. Safety- You may have friends and family planning to visit soon, so you’ll want to put safety first! Be sure your driveway, sidewalk and front porch are cleared of debris or any snow. It’s always better to be on the cautious side and put down salt, as even rain can freeze and make walking up to your home dangerous.
2. Tasteful Decorations- While you can have fun with the season’s bright lights and characters of Christmas, it can be easy for some to get carried away. Try small white lights around your homes’ bushes or front porch post, a simple wreath and garland to enhance your home’s appearance without being too distracting.
3. Fresh Paint- Your Lexington home is more visible in the winter months as trees are free from their leaves and your home’s condition is more exposed. Touching up chipped or faded paint is a great way to help your Lexington home look refreshed.
4. A Neat Lawn- Whether there is snow covering your lawn or not; be sure to keep your lawn free from any leaves, twigs, etc… that may have blown through with the harsher winds. Just because your lawn is not expected to be as lush as the summer months, doesn’t mean to ignore the state of your lawn. Keeping it cleaned up will show that you care.
5. Clean Gutters- It’s not too late to make sure your gutters are free from leaves and other debris. You’ll want these cleared so that melting snow or rain can easily run through the gutters and not cause damage.
6. Lighting- The use of lights can really make your home stand out with the shorter winter days. Since there is more time without the suns light, using a variety of lighting can give your home a warm glow. Indoor window lights in each room provides a nice appeal, while lights along the pathway up to your home, a bright porch light and tasteful Christmas lights are all ways in which to enhance your Lexington homes’ curb appeal.
7. Cold Weather Plants- Hearty plants and Evergreen trees can withstand the winter months while adding visual appeal to the outside of your home. Evergreen Holly will add a splash of color with its red berries and can stand up to the cold weather.
I hope these tips are helpful as you prepare to have friends, family or even potential buyers to your Lexington home. Even if you’re doing just for your sake, you’ll find this update to your curb appeal refreshing and you’ll enjoy seeing an attractive home and lawn each time you come home.
If you are hoping to sell your home before the end of the year, but aren’t quite sure where to start; please let me know! I’d be happy to answer your questions and guide you through each step of the home buying experience!
I hope to hear from you soon!
As a Lexington Real Estate agent, I am happy to provide these great tips and ideas as well as fulfilling all your real estate needs. I look forward to hearing from you!
It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner! With this turkey-filled day, the holidays go into full swing with festive parties and gatherings with family and friends. If you currently live in Lexington, you’ll enjoy the charming atmosphere and events throughout the community that accompany this time of year!
We all know that the holidays are a great time to give back, but have you considered how you can give back to the environment over the next few months? Whether you’re visiting loved ones over the holidays or are hosting them in your Lexington home, you’ll want to be sure to take a look at these nine tips for an eco-friendly holiday party!
1. Switch to Convection- Now, I don’t expect that you’ll run out and buy a new oven before your holiday party, but this is something to consider for the very near future! Switch from a conventional oven to a convection oven. The difference? A convection oven continually circulates heated air, which means food cooks more quickly and reduces energy usage by 20%! Imagine being able to prepare food faster and save on energy- all from one appliance!
2. Cloth Napkins- These “things of the past” are making a comeback! The average American will use around 2,200 paper napkins per year- which are never recycled! Using cloth napkins will cut down drastically on waste and will make any event feel more special.
3. Buy Local- Shopping locally from farmers and other various growers for ingredients for your holiday party (or any time!) is a great way to cut down on our carbon footprint as well as help support sustainable growing in Lexington and surrounding areas.
4. Reusable Towels- When cleaning up after your holiday party; be sure to use reusable towels instead of paper towels. Microfiber towels will hold on to dust, dirt and food particles since the fibers act like a magnet. After cleanup, throw them in the wash and you’ll be able to reuse them over and over!
5. Nix the Microwave- As much as possible, reheat or cook items in the oven or on the stove. Certain plastics can produce harmful fumes when put in the microwave and, while not overtly harmful, microwaves do leak radiation. It’s just better for your health and for the environment to use other options as often as you can!
6. Glass Containers- Storing leftovers or dried foods in glass containers with lids are much safer than the plastic alternative. When heated, certain plastics can break down and put chemicals into your food. Learn more about harmful and safe plastics.
7. Chill Out- Be sure to put a pitcher of water in your fridge at least an hour before your party to ensure it’s completely chilled. Those that prefer water won’t have to stand at your sink and let the water run until it gets cold. The average kitchen faucet flows at a gallon per minute! Thinking ahead can help to chill water before will reduce the waste that a running faucet will produce!
8. No-Cook Dishes- Save energy and give your oven a rest by preparing dishes that don’t have to be cooked. Think: salads, fruit dishes, veggie dips, yogurts and much more! You’ll find yourself being more creative and spending less time in the kitchen!
9. Fill the Dishwasher- To avoid wasting water and energy, be sure to have a full load each time you use your dishwasher. Surprisingly, new energy efficient dishwasher can be more eco-friendly than washing dishes by hand! Be sure to air dry and skip the pre-rinse cycle as most newer models are effective enough to get your dishes clean without the added step!
Of course there are a wide variety of other ways to go green this holiday season, but these should help get you started for an environmentally friendly holiday!
As always, as a Lexington Real Estate agent, I’m here to help in any way I can! Whether you’re searching for a Lexington home or are considering selling and aren’t quite sure where to start; feel free to let me know! I’d be more than happy to meet with you to discuss your real estate needs!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Theresa D'Antuono
Lexington MA Real Estate Agent
Search For Lexington Area Homes For Sale
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Living in Lexington Massachusetts is the ideal lifestyle for many who enjoy historic character and a small town atmosphere close to the metropolis of Boston. For many of you, you’ve enjoyed living in Lexington for years but have questions about the current Lexington Real Estate market and what this means for your home.
If you’ve been considering refinancing your Lexington home in order to cash in on the currently low mortgage rates, there are a few things you’ll want to consider. While this can be a viable option for you, take a the time to do your research and talk with your Lexington Real Estate agent will ensure you make the right decision. Take a look at these five factors in determining if refinancing your Lexington home is the right choice for you!
1. Interest rates- Refinancing right now is great for homeowners whose current rates are above 5.5% and are hoping to save on their monthly mortgage costs. For a Lexington home; you could potentially save a percentage point or more on an outstanding mortgage.
2. Credit score and income- Most banks in today’s market will require you to have a minimum credit score of 620 in order to refinance. You will also need to prove that your household finances have been stable. If unemployment or other issues have come up that have decreased your finances significantly; you’ll find it hard to refinance.
3. Costs- Refinancing your home will cost you typically 2% of the new loan amount. This includes application, appraisal and inspection fees. Included within refinancing costs is the new escrow account you’ll need to fund. The lender will set up this account for home-insurance and property-tax payments from which they’ll draw annually. Want to avoid this fee? Use the same lender you used for your initial mortgage. Their only costs are limited to issuing new paperwork, so they’re able to keep costs low and can oftentimes speed up the process. Another option is a good faith estimate. Your Lexington Real Estate agent can help you determine which option would work best for your home.
4. Adjustable-rate mortgages- Determining whether you’d like to go with an adjustable-rate mortgage or a fixed-rate mortgage can be tricky. An ARM can be a good choice for today’s market as you’ll cash in on the current lower rates, but can be unstable in the long run. However, a fixed-rate mortgage ensures that your rates will remain stable and won’t rise if the market changes.
5. Greater pricing disparity- Based on your current credit score, the rates offered for refinancing can vary greatly. Lenders will look at Massachusetts's average loan-to-value ratio and the percentage of homes with negative equity. The higher the percentage of these homes, the higher the rate a borrower will most likely be offered.
I hope this helps answer some of the questions you may have concerning refinancing your Lexington home. As an experienced Lexington Real Estate agent, I am always here to answer your questions or help you navigate through the Lexington Real Estate market.
Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions you may have!