Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Bike Walk ‘n Bus Week - Saturday, May 14th - Sunday, May 22th

Bike Walk n Bus Week - Promoting healthy, sustainable, and safe transportation options. Every year in May the Town schedules a week of free events including historic walks, guided bike rides, free Lexpress rides, and more! This event is organized by the Bicycle Advisory CommitteeGreenways Corridor Committee, and Safe Routes to School Committee, in conjunction with Town staff to celebrate the many alternative transportation resources available in town.

Time to dust off those sneakers and have some fun! A number of free events are being planned for this week including historic walks, guided bike rides, free Lexpress rides, and more! Celebrate the many alternative transportation resources available in town.
Below is a list of the weeklong events but there are also specific events each day of the week, please click here to get a complete list of events throughout

Lexpress Bike & Ride Free
6:30AM - 6:30PM
Did you know that all Lexpress buses now have bike racks? Try them out! Bring your bike on Lexpress today and ride for FREE.
Information: or 781-861-1210

Ride the REV shuttle for FREE to/from Alewife Station
May 16-20
The 128 Business Council REV shuttle is providing free service during Bike Walk n Bus Week. Hop on at Depot Square at 7:15AM or 8:30AM. Return from Alewife Station at 4:57PM or 6:27PM.

Find Your Biking and Walking Way Around Lexington!
Look for special green and white signs in the Library, at the Depot Lexpress Bus Stop, and other popular spots around town that provide walking and biking and travel times or mileage. It may be easier to get there on foot or by bike than you think!

Free Bike Safety Checks
May 16 - 20
3:00 - 5:00PM
Wonder if your tires are worn out? What about your brakes? The Ride Studio Café mechanic will go over your tires, bolts, chain, gears, brakes, etc.
Location: Ride Studio Café, 1720 Mass Ave, Lexington Center

Bay State Bike Week
May 14-22
Bay State Bike Week is an annual celebration of human-powered, two-wheeled transportation.

MassCommute Bicycle Challenge
May 14-22
Help promote cycling as a healthy, inexpensive, and eco-friendly form of transportation. Join the Challenge! It’s fun, easy and FREE for anyone who lives or works in Massachusetts. Log all of the miles you ride during Bay State Bike Week (May 14 - 22, 2016) and enjoy some friendly competition between local businesses, universities and communities. Join in this year for prizes, raffles, and a legendary “Bike Bash” celebration!

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