Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Friday March 10 from 9:30am-4:00pm at Cary Hall, 1605 Mass Avenue

Franco-Fête des écoles de Nouvelle Angletterre - New England Schools Franco-Fete
The largest French student gathering of New England will take place at Cary Hall. This event is organized by the French Consulate, Lexington Antony Sister City working group, and several other organizations. The students will participate in activities from Twitter contests to dancing. The morning will end with a large parade of more than 500 students between Cary Hall and the Green.
This is the first day of a two-day festival.

Saturday, March 11 from 11:00am-3:00pm
Join us for our 6th annual Voyages en Francophonie - French around the world, an educational, family oriented event organized by the  Lexington-Antony Sister Cities Working Group of the Lexington Tourism Committee, EFGB, the Délégation du Quebec, the French consulate, the Haitian Consulate General in Boston and Swissnex.
Several French-speaking countries will be represented with workshops showcasing local cultural highlights and traditions. There will be a variety of micro-events throughout the day such as a puppet show, and food sale, all aiming at entertaining children and adults alike and showing how rich and diverse the Francophone world is.
Admission: suggested donation: $15 per family for the whole day!

Voyages en Francophonie - French around the world
Contact: Marie-Tristan Rago,

Family event
VEF is a fun filled family event for all ages: scavenger hunts, artistic workshops, puppet shows and many more engaging activities are held throughout the day. Bertrand Laurence and Davey the clown will entertain you all day long. With food stalls and stands representing  francophone countries, you will have plenty of fun traveling the francophone world with friends and family!

8 Country-Stands
Voyages en Francophonie aims at promoting the vitality of the francophone community in Boston. Visitors can virtually travel  to Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, France, Haiti, Lebanon, Morocco and Seychelles, where they can speak with natives who will explain their traditions, discover spices and culinary specialties, and listen to stories and legends.

Window Decorating in Lexington
This year we are partnering again with businesses throughout Lexington for a window decorating contest. Associations and artists will decorate store windows with a Francophone theme between March 1st and March 9 th. A panel of juges from the Lexington Center Alliance will juge the windows the afternoon of March 10th. Winners will be announced at Voyages en Francophonie.

Check out the windows of Marcello Salon and MA France in East Lexington to be introduced to some of our participating artists. Lexx and RE/MAX will also participate in this project.

Since 2014, Voyages en Francophonie has taken place in Lexington with the support of Lexington-Antony Sister Cities  which is part of the Lexington Tourism Committee.
With the participation of tens of volunteers and professionals, as well as other francophone consulates and associations and  the Lexington Public Schools language departments, Early Language School from Sudbury, and close to two thousand visitors, Voyages en Francophonie lets Boston's francophone community showcase their incredible diversity and talent. 

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