Sunday May 14, 2-4 pm, ACROSS Lexington Bicycle Ride
Explore ACROSS Lexington trails by bike! This
easy-to-moderate 2-hour ride will take us through a number of Lexington’s most
scenic open spaces including Upper and Lower Vinebrook, Cotton Farm and Dunback
Meadow, the Old Res, and Lincoln Park. We will travel via Town streets, paved
bike paths and unpaved walking trails. Be prepared for somewhat rough trail
conditions; a bike with sturdy tires for trail riding and a helmet are
required. Bring water and a snack. Meet in the Town employee parking lot
adjacent to the Minuteman Bikeway crossing at Fletcher Avenue. Bonus points for
those who ride their bicycles to this event. Questions? Call Peggy at
Leaders: Peggy Enders (617-308-8185,,
Keith Ohmart (781-862-6216,
Tuesday May 16, 10-11:30 am, Senior Sneaker Walk at Hayden
Join us on this leisurely walk as we explore the historic
and scenic byways of Hayden Woods. During our travels we will walk one of the
oldest colonial roads in the Common- wealth, take a side trip a short distance
off trail to marvel at an unusual example of colonial stone working, and visit
one of the most perfectly sited stone benches in Town. Walking will be on
well-graded woods trails with one short steep section and the usual occasional rocks
and roots under foot. Sneakers are fine. Don’t forget your walking sticks if
you rely on them for balance. Meet at the rear of 45 Hayden Avenue in the third
parking lot on your left opposite the signed Conservation trail entrance.
Walk Leader: Keith Ohmart (781-862-6216, 6
Sunday May 21, 2-5 pm, Extended ACROSS Lexington Walk
In celebration of Bike Walk Bus Week (May 13-21) we are
offering the longer distance hiker an extended traverse of ACROSS Lexington
routes C&D. This 5+ mile hike passes through two of Lexington’s largest
parcels of open space, Whipple Hill Conservation area and Arlington’s Great
Meadow, owned by the Town of Arlington but wholly within Lexington; in addition
to passing the Arlington Reservoir and the Busa Farm Fields now man- aged by
LexFarm along the way. Don’t forget to bring plenty of water. Meet at the
Waldorf School parking lot on Massachusetts Avenue.
Walk Leader: Bob Hausslein (781-862-9102,
Thursday May 25, 6-8 pm, Wild Edibles of Lincoln Park with
Russ Cohen
Lexington is home to over 70 species of edible wild plants,
both native and non-native, including plants considered to be weedy or
invasive. Some are more nutritious and/or flavorful than their cultivated
counterparts. Join Russ Cohen, expert forager and author of Wild Plants I
Have Known...and Eaten, on a two-hour ramble in and around Lincoln Park to
learn about the dozen or more edible plant species that are common to this property.
Russ will present information on identification tips, edible portions, seasonal
availability and preparation methods, as well as general guidelines for safe
and environmentally-responsible foraging. Meet at the Fitness Trail entrance at
the crosswalk on Worthen Road across from the Lexington High playing fields.
Leader: Russ Cohen (781-646-7489,
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